The grooming salon

Your dog & cat grooming salon since 2014 in La Rochelle

Call us

Quality care for your pet

Why should I groom my dog regularly?


Do you love him and do you like living with him?

Would you like it to be in its best shape all the time… and to always be the most beautiful?


If it's a short or mid-length hair, are you tired of constantly seeing your carpets, carpets and cushions covered in dead hair?

If it's a long hair, don't you want long tedious detangling sessions?

Either way, your dog should smell good. Only one solution: regular and sufficiently close grooming!

For what ?

Because regular grooming is highly beneficial for your companion. You will see the evolution of your companion, his ability to adapt & listen, his acceptance of grooming. Your pet will soon love grooming and will be driven to it with enthusiasm.

In short, the discovery of a new aspect of your dog's or cat's personality.


And is it expensive? It's going to ruin me, you tell me! Grooming is already so expensive!

On the contrary... Ultra competitive rates! The lowest prices in La Rochelle!

Satisfaction guaranteed

They trust us, and tell us so

Testimonials from our clients


406 Avenue Jean GUITON, La Rochelle

Landline: 05 17 26 14 12 | Mobile: 06 95 91 13 84

Opening hours

Open Tue. Wed. Fri. Sat. from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

And Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Your canine groomer is there for you and your adorable companions.

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